
Through workshops and prototypes I help clients to get clarity about the new product: how it will work, the development risks to be mindful of and ultimately, and how the product will deliver value to specific user groups.

Understanding the user

To ensure a great product-market fit you must have a deep understanding of your users’ needs: identify pain points, challenges and desires of the target audience and other stakeholders.

» Interviews | Literature desk research | Personas | User or Customer journey map | Flow diagrams


We use wireframes to give structure to the (early) ideas of the software or website. This gives the client, programmer and designer – literally – the same view, and aids in communication about what to build. Prototypes are used to click through the different wireframes, letting the new software behave as it is already build.

» UX | Navigation structure | Wireframes | Clickable prototypes

Experience & design

We love creating great products that are easy to use, intuitive and accessible. This approach blends innovation with thorough research, honing UX/UI elements to perfection. The result is an unparalleled user experience that seamlessly marries form and function.

» UX | UI | Web accessibility

Validate market readiness

Before building, we can gather first-hand insights on key questions such as: When would they use it? Are people willing to buy/use this service? What are the biggest hurdles during use? Does the product or service give enough value for users in order to overcome privacy issues. How can we keep users engaged over time and build a lasting relationship?

» UX-Research | Structured interviews | Pilot with a group of beta users | Reporting

For whom?

I love to join teams, whether they are start-ups, digital- or software agencies.


  • Facilitate product discovery workshops.
  • Gain deep understanding in the different user groups.
  • Visualisation of product ideas using wireframes and prototypes.
  • Early stage product validation through visualisations and interviews.


  • Facilitate brainstorm sessions and product discovery workshops.
  • User research
  • Wireframing
  • Creating prototypes
  • Creating product or development roadmap as a tool to prioritise.
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